Available Varieties

Semillas La Palma - Available Varieties

Amount Picture Name Description  Count    Price  
Bhut jolokia Strain I Improved version of the world record holder 2011 in heat!! Strain I = light green I gives much better yields than the standard Bhut (Bih) jolokia strains and has kind of a smoother surface than the original.
Capsicum chinense
...large picture of pods
...large picture of plantwieder verfügbar xxxhot
10 seeds 3.00 Euro
Bhut jolokia Strain II Improved version of the world record holder 2011 in heat!! Strain II = light green II, gives much higher yields than the original not selected Bhut (Bih) jolokia, while all other parameters, like heat and taste have been remained.
Superhot Capsicum chinense
...large picture of green pods
...large picture of ripe pods
...large picture of plant
...large picture of flowerwieder verfügbar xxxhot
10 seeds 3.00 Euro
Chocolate Bhut jolokia Introduced 2008 by Frontal Agritech, Assam India as a superhot dark brown Bhut (Bih) jolokia, Capsicum chinense variety. In contrary to original Bhut jolokia this plants are very productive.
...large picture of pods
...large picture flower
10 seeds 2.50 Euro
Naga Morich Extremely hot Capsicum chinense variety from Bangladesh. Related to Bih and Bhut jolokia, but (considering our studies) not identical.
...large picture of pods
10 seeds 2.30 Euro